Vision and Values

Values and Ethos

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends St Martin at Shouldham

Our Core Values

Respecting, Generous, Achieving

Our School Values & Ethos

We strive to create a school family in which our children are educated and inspired through a love and understanding of God, each other and our world.


  • Through developing the school as a nurturing and caring environment, we are a welcoming, happy, safe and trusted place for everyone to learn and grow;
  • To encourage everyone (whether pupil or employee) regardless of status, financial circumstance, religious or philosophical background, race, gender, orientation or disability, to gain the skills and experience to maximise their full potential in our ever-changing and diverse world;
  • To encourage enquiring, healthy minds, sound working habits, healthy lifestyles and pride in work and behaviour – for all, for life;
  • To ensure all are nurtured in holistic and mindful ways: whether socially, morally, culturally, intellectually, emotionally, physically, philosophically and/or spiritually;
  • To encourage a positive view of and involvement by the whole school community (pupils, parents, carers, teachers, support staff and governors), the wider local community and even wider world in each other’s education and development;
  • To provide a curriculum which is broad, balanced, fun and effective - which challenges each and every child so that their full potential is reached in life, as well as in the terms of academic attainment and progress.

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